Bertram group slaying and shredding the slopes at Grouse Mountain!
(February 2025)
Zoë and Gurcharan (along with Keighan from the NBD group) present their research the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2024 Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C.
(December 2024)
The Bertram group celebrating at the chemistry holiday party!
(December 2024)
Nealan and Janice present their research at the 2024 American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) Conference in New Mexico…
and take a photo with colleagues, Walter White and Jesse Pinkman!
(October 2024)
Gurcharan and Teresa participate in the Hydra field campaign, collaborating with researchers from the Rogak Group (UBC Mechanical Engineering) to measure and collect tire wear particles. This campaign is a component of the Climate Action Awareness Fund (CAAF) funded project, aimed at advancing our understanding of tire wear emissions and their environmental impact, among other objectives.
(October 2024)
A farewell for Meline’s last day with the Bertram Group.
We are so pleased to have hosted Meline through the VIRS Program and wish her all the best!
(August 2024)
2nd UBC Ice Workshop
Bertram group members (Soleil Worthy, Gurcharan Uppal, Teresa Seifried, and Lian Pharoah) presented and participated in the 2nd UBC Ice Workshop.
Aimed to connect students, post-docs, and professors working on general research questions associated with ice (ice nucleation, ice in space, ice in biological systems, etc.), this collaborative half-day workshop invites participants to present recent research findings and receive feedback from the community. Nina S. Atanasova, University of Helsinki, and Zane Dedekind, Environment and Climate Change Canada, also gave guest seminars.
The UBC Ice Workshop was organized and led by the Borduas-Dedekind Group.
See the schedule and presentation titles here.
(July 2024)
Taking advantage of some ideal atmospheric conditions to hike Dog Mountain in North Vancouver, with BBOA and ICE spelled out to celebrate at the peak!
(July 2024)
The Bertram and Borduas-Dedekind groups hosted two Indigenous high school students from BC for a week where they learned about a range of different research projects ongoing in these labs including ice nucleation, biomass burning organic aerosols, microscopy, environmental chambers, and spectroscopy. The students had the opportunity to learn from several graduate student mentors about these projects, academic research, chemistry, and life as a college student and graduate student.
The Experience Program in Chemistry (EPiC) Outreach event hosts Indigenous high school students from across Western Canada for one-week placements in chemistry labs at UBC, where they can see firsthand all of the exciting science going on at UBC.
EPiC week is run in partnership with the Verna Kirkness Foundation which aims to address the under-representation of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students at Canadian universities by offering scholarships to Indigenous students in grades 11 and 12 to spend a week at a Canadian university to meet professors and students and learn about postsecondary education and research.
(July 2024)
Kicking off a campaign to measure tugboat engine exhaust emissions on the Fraser River along with collaborators from the Rogak, Kirchen, and Zimmerman groups in Mechanical Engineering as part of a Climate Action Awareness Fund (CAAF) funded project.
(June 2024)
Bertram group participates in Skills Acquisition “n” Discovery Week in Chemistry (SA’n’DWICh) Week run by Nadine Borduas-Dedekind’s research group.
SA’n’DWICh Week is an annual event in the NBD group where group members do team building activities and “swaps experiments” each day of the week. Researchers with different areas of expertise are grouped together and teach each other how to operate their instruments, perform measurements, and analyze data.
More on SA’n’DWICh Week and the NBD group can be found here.
(June 2024)
Congratulations to Lyle for winning the award for Best Environmental Chemistry poster presentation at the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference (WCUCC)!
(May 2024)
The Bertram Group hosted Laboratory Investigations for Testing and Training (LIFTT) #1.
LIFTT #1 is a training component of the interdepartmental project “Urban freight systems emissions: Improved characterization for mitigation planning”, funded through the Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF).
LIFTT #1 consisted of three components:
1. Three introductory sessions consisting of: an overview of the fieldwork and campaigns; slide presentations by CAAF HQP on project-related research and instrumentation; and a seminar and discussion on oxidative flow reactions.
2. Laboratory observations of forest fire smoke experiments conducted in the Bertram Lab where CAAF HQP observed forest fire smoke generation, aging, and sampling with various instrumentation available in the Bertram Lab.
3. Combustion source sampling where interested CAAF HQP had an opportunity to sample from a combustion source (unaged and aged forest fire smoke) and test their own instrumentation.
(March 2024)
Group holiday celebrations!
(December 2023)
New apparatus to study the aging of forest fire smoke now up and running.
(December 2023)
Congratulations, Dr. Crescenzo! We are proud to congratulate Jesse on the completion of his doctorate.
(November 2023)
The Bertram group attending the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC 2023) held in Vancouver.
(June 2023)
With posters from Kevin, Nealan, Teresa, and Sepehr
and presentations from Flo, Jesse, and Fabian!
We are pleased to congratulate Drs. Yi Ren and Kris Kiland on their graduation!
(May 2023)
Assembling an environmental chamber to study the properties of secondary organic aerosol.
(April 2023)
Congratulations to Flo for being awarded the Poster Prize at the “Aerosols, Health and Climate: Gigacity and Future” Meeting in Bad Honnef, Germany!
(March 2023)
Happy Holidays from the Chemistry Department Christmas party!
(December 2022)
Celebrating the end of the year with a Bertram Group White Elephant holiday party!
(December 2022)
Erin at her Make-up Graduation Ceremonies. Congratulations Erin!
(November 2022)
We are proud to congratulate Yi Ren, Jesse Crescenzo, and Nealan Gerrebos on the recognition of their exemplary work at the 105th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition:
Yi Ren “Best Physical Theoretical Chemistry Division Poster”
Jesse Crescenzo “Best Presentation in the Air, Water, Fire and Earth Symposium”
Nealan Gerrebos “Best Overall Graduate Student Poster Presentation in the Environmental Division”
(June 2022)
Happy graduation to Dr. Yu Xi (Ph.D) and Shaun Xu (MSc)!
We wish you all the best on your future endeavors!
(May 2022)
A well deserved celebration after Jingwei’s PhD defense!
We are pleased to celebrate Jingwei’s successful PhD defense!
Congratulations Dr. Yun!
(August 2021)
Enjoying a well deserved pizza lunch after cleaning the lab.
(July 2021)
We are very pleased to welcome Annesha Devi, who is joining the group this summer to research phase separation in organic aerosols
through a cross funded project with the WLIURA program.
(May 2021)
Yuanzhou Huang, et al., in collaboration with scientists at McGill University and the University of California, Irvine, have discovered the coexistence of three liquid phases in aerosol particles, changing our understanding of air pollutants in the Earth’s atmosphere. While aerosol particles were known to contain up to two liquid phases, the discovery of an additional liquid phase will assist in providing more accurate atmospheric models and climate predictions. The study was published in PNAS.
“Aerosol particles are ubiquitous in the atmosphere and play an important role in air quality and the climate system. These particles can contain mixtures of primary organic aerosol, secondary organic aerosol, and secondary inorganic aerosol. We show that such internally mixed particles can contain three liquid phases. We also demonstrate that the presence of three liquid phases impacts the time needed for the particles to reach equilibrium with the surrounding gas phase and likely impacts the ability of the particles to activate into cloud droplets. A framework is presented for predicting conditions needed for the formation of three liquid phases in the atmosphere. These results will lead to improved representations of aerosols in models for air quality and climate predictions.”
For the full article, click here.
(April 2021)
UBC-PSI Seminar Series
Thank you to everyone who participated in the joint meetings between the Bertram group and the Ammann group at PSI, with presentations from:
Kristian Kiland (UBC) – “The Viscosity of Organic Films from Cooking Aerosol”
Peter Alpert (PSI) – “X-ray Spectromicroscopy for Aerosol Studies with High-Chemical Detail and Statistical Significance
(February 2021)
Giuseppe Crescenzo (UBC) – “Mixing Times of Photoaged Limonene SOA & Global Modelling of Glass Formation”
Kevin Kilchhofer (PSI) – “Cycling of Radicals Induced by Transition Metal Complex Photochemistry in Viscous Organic Aerosol Particles”
(March 2021)
Thank you to Adrian for all your dedication and hard work in the lab. We wish you all the best on your next step!
(February 2021)
We would like to say thank you to Yuanzhou for all of his great work in the laboratory and wish him all the best in his career!
(February 2021)
A very happy congratulations to Adrian Maclean (PhD) and Yuanzhou Huang (MSc) for successful defenses!
(December 2020)
Congratulations to Prof. Bertram as a recipient of the Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering.
Prof. Bertram and fellow collaborators on the NETCARE team have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to climate research in Canada’s Arctic.
To learn more click here.
(November 2020)
A warm welcome to new group members Lian Pharoah (left) and Cuishan Xu (right)!
Lian is joining us as a new graduate student studying the mechanisms of heterogeneous ice nucleation with joint supervision from Dr. Gren Patey and Cuishan is joining our group to study the concentrations and properties of ice nucleating particles from the Kaskawulsh glacier.
(September 2020)
Fabian and Jingwei install instruments to measure and collect biomass burning aerosol on the top of the Environmental Science Building at UBC, Sept 14, 2020. On this day, the air quality in Vancouver was one of the worst in the world due to wildfires burning along the West Coast of the U.S.A.
(September 2020)
We are so pleased to have had Elli in our lab. Thank you to Elli for all of her hard work and we wish her all the best in her future career!
(August 2020)
A well deserved toast to the newly minted Dr. Erin Evoy, with appropriate drinks and tea.
Congratulations, Erin!
(June 2020)
A warm welcome Elli Newman, who is joining our group through the summer within the framework of a WLIURA cross funded project
to research phase separation in organic aerosols.
(May 2020)
Fabian Mahrt’s recent research has been selected for the cover of Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts.
Congratulations Fabian!
(April 2020)
The first group meeting during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
(April 2020)
Prof. Hind Al-Abadleh from Wilfrid Laurier University visits the Bertram group for a productive week of experiments.
(June 2019)
Congratulations to students Meng Si (PhD) and Vickie Irish (PhD) on their graduation!
(May 2019)
The Bertram Group, looking suave and sophisticated, enjoy the 2018 Chemistry Winter Ball.
Cedric accepts his trophy for winning the 2017 Chemistry Department Table Tennis Tournament.
Cedric and his fans
Our Group’s 2017 Storm the Wall team “An ion us”
The Bertram group team“H2Go” from water wars in November 2016 .
The normal 2016 Bertram group . . .
. . . and the moustached 2016 Bertram group
Dagny Ullmann receiving her poster award from Mario Molina at the American Meteorological Society’s Mario J. Molina Symposium (2016)
“The Cheminions” our group’s entry in Storm the Wall 2016
MSc student Erin Evoy receiving her 2015 Robert Caton Scholarship award.
(Feb 2016)
Congratulations to students Michael Wheeler (PhD) and Yuri Chenyakin (MSc) on their graduation.
(Dec 2015)
Our research group had a team at water wars this year (called: “The Bertrams”).
(Nov 2015)
Wishing luck to our postdoc Mijung Song as she moves on to a new Assistant Professor position in Korea.
(Sep 2015)
Congratulations to our graduating student Yuan You. She completed her PhD in 2014.
(Dec 2014)
Group BBQ, summer 2014.
Group members Stephen, Cédric, and Yuri at Storm the Wall – well done, guys!
(May 2014)